Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Isn't it weird to think that I can say to someone, "See you tomorrow", when I am all the way across the country? I just find it weird. Well, I guess more amazing than weird. And that I could really just fly out to some place we've all only seen in movies and documentaries if I wanted to, in 24 hours or less. That the Taj Mahal, the holy city of Mecca, the Amazon rainforest, the Siberian tundra, Philadelphia, Eugene, OR - all just a few flights and a day away.

Just started snowing here.

1 comment:

Collin said...

"all just a few flights and a day away"

...and quite a bit of money, unfortunately (and carbon emissions and energy).

Still, it is amazing - but it can and should be improved with cleaner & cheaper energy.

It also snowed here two nights ago and it still hasn't melted.