Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Oh man! Tomorrow is my first of four finals. I've been studying a lot over the past few days (which is what you're supposed to do). And then I'll be home on the 17th. Home! Home. It's kind of a big thing because, well, the furthest I've traveled in the past three months is to Washington D.C. Meanwhile, all three of my roommates have been home twice..

Which reminds me, I went to my friend's house for Thanksgiving, which was chill. He lives 30 minutes (by train) away in the suburbs, and I stayed there for three nights. I went to mass with his family on Thursday morning, which was sorta weird, but I'm over it. Turns out his dad is super-Catholic, but none of his children are really religious. I told my friend and his two little bros that I hail from the least-religious area of the country (I think it is, right?), and they all mentioned something about living there sometime..

And I think I am 99% set on a major - Biology with a concentration in neuroscience. So I'll be taking a lot of classes having to do with brain and behavior, which is all really interesting. And I'm going to minor in Hispanic Studies (fancypants way of just saying 'Spanish'). I haven't officially declared this yet, but I will in the coming months.

.. yeah, so I gotta get back to studying..


Gregorous_Maximus said...

I'm pretty sure that finals are about the only thing I would approve of lynching.

Collin said...

Unfortunately, you can't lynch finals. I mean, you could technically lynch the papers on which the finals are administered, but then you'd only be lynching the physical manifestation of the finals... "finals" is just a concept, which can't really be affected at all via lynching. If you really want to get rid of finals, you would have to convince a majority that they are a bad idea, and then the idea would die.

Good luck with the rest of your finals Jay (if you still have any). I heartily approve of that major.

kayleejoy said...

I too think you've picked a fine and Jay-appropriate major. Good luck with finals.