Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Near close of semester

Wrapped up my sixth-to-last day of classes today, and it was an uneventful one. Learned about cancers in my molecular biology/genetics class. Learned about ...??? in statistics. I have a five-page history paper due tomorrow, which I am half-done with, and intend to start at past midnight because I really don't care. Took my bio lab practical yesterday, it kinda sucked, but hey, whatever. I'm done with that sad part of my life now.

Fast times in the Illadelph. [For reference, 'Illadelph' is a badass way of referring to Philadelphia. So logic holds that I refer to the city in said manner.] Colbert hosted his 'Colbert Report' for much of last week in Penn's Annenberg Center. On Friday, Obama spoke to his largest crowd ever, ~35,000 at Independence Mall. (I didn't go.) Last night the Clintons dropped by the Palestra, Penn's basketball arena. Pro-Hillary people shouted, chanted, even marveled at their own frivolity as they scared the shit out of people crossing the intersection of 34th and Walnut. Trucks with loudspeakers kept crossing the intersection, blaring artificial crowd-noises that kept chanting, 'Obama'. And almost anti-climatically, today was/still is the primary election day. Most important of all, there are only five more days of school before dead week and finals.

I'm pretty sure half of our team is Jewish. This week happens to be part of Passover, so they can't eat leavened bread, beer, and other stuff. I can't tell who on our team is not Jewish. I can't even tell if I'm not Jewish. But at least I don't play on BYU's Ultimate team. Also, for anyone out there who knows: if your cleats are tight so that the your toes bend at the end, does that have an effect on your leg muscles? Because my cleats are really tight, and all of this season my legs (especially quads) seem to have gotten tired prematurely.

Man. Who cares about school anymore??? Seriously.


Gregorous_Maximus said...

Yay for not caring about skool! Do you need a new pair of cleats? I have some of these
in size 11. They are red and white...just like the trendy ones that we all got senior year.

Bishop said...


Tight cleats that bend your toes have a huge effect on your leg muscles. Scrunched up toes will reposition your arch which will focus the weight and pressure of your leg muscles from a different position. Get cleats that don't scrunch your toes. Or get smaller feet. The first is more likely though I think.