Sunday, March 29, 2009

Just a post.

An anecdote-

Tournament second day is canceled, so I get back to my apartment at 1. I go out to throw a disc with some friends. It is 6pm. It is sunny and 74 degrees when I go outside. 15 minutes have passed. Blue skies turn into light yellow clouds, a robust mix of storm clouds with sun and thunder. All hell breaks loose. It hails very much, hail the size of bottlecaps if bottlecaps were spherical. People run for cover, cars stop, the street is ankle-deep in water within a minute.

That was the weirdest weather incident I have ever witnessed! Upon seeing the yellow cloud-mix to the west, I mentioned to my friend that "the weather seems really end-of-the-world-like". Later, I talked to someone else who told me that one time, he and his friends were outside and their hair started gathering static, and they ran like no other. Apparently, that happens right before you are about to be struck by lightning. Scary.

Anyways, our tournament this weekend was partially canceled. The weather today was mostly great (see above), but we didn't get to play because we annihilated the fields yesterday in stormy conditions. We beat our Ivy League compatriots Columbia and Harvard.

I start laboratory research tomorrow. I am going to be working in the lab of a researcher at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania's (HUP) Biomedical Research Building. He conducts research in ovarian cancer (hold your giggles, stop judging me), and what I would do eventually is biologically engineer some tumor-fighting molecules called 'lymphocytes'. It's not a paid position as of now, but once I learn the basic lab techniques and get a hang of what I'm doing, I'm going to ask for a salary. I also think I'm going to continue with research after school is over, probably until late-June/early-July, so that my entire summer is not wasted on frolicking.

That being said, there is almost nothing that I love more than summer in Eugene. The best part is playing some disc in the late afternoon or early evening and then just hanging out on the fields with people you love.