Monday, May 26, 2008

I´m in Costa Rica.

That´s all.

Monday, May 12, 2008

I'm through.

I give up. I have some more stuff I really need to study in depth for my final, but after several days of non-stop pounding info back into your head, there's a point where you just say, 'I just don't fucking care anymore, let's get this over with'. Hopefully I'll remember the stuff that I need to study right now, if they come up tomorrow on the final. But my fear of failing might force me to study some more.

TV-watching and video games for me! ^_^

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Semi-calm before the storm.

Today I have been biology biology biology. Some of it very interesting (e.g. variation from expected Mendelian segregation ratios; meiotic recombination within inversion loops, which results in inviable gametes), some of it very bullshitty (e.g. the pivotal role in bicoid protein localization in D. melanogaster embryos in determining anteroposterior development??? ...). I went to a Q & A review session today and spent 4 more hours poring over slides. Anyhow. I can't believe I kept up with the reading. But I have much more stuff to review. 1/3 of the slides to go, practice tests to look at, practice genetics problems to try. But there's also so much more sleep to be had! And leisure! And packing! What to do...................... Yep, it's true. The study of life kills.

So yeah, my first two final exams were actually on the 5th and 6th. I've basically been stuck here for an extra week because of this damn bio final. And to think, I could have been in Independence, MO. My first final, statistics, was really easy - basically plugging numbers into equations. The problem is, it must have been easy for everyone else as well, so we'll see if I shattered the curve. Also, history was pretty easy, with a map quiz and two essays, but I don't know if I'll get such a hot grade in it.

Two of my roommates moved out today. The room feels really hollow. I couldn't concentrate with all this sense of 'done-ness', so I herded myself into the library. The campus, which is one mile west of Center City Philadelphia, felt deserted. I dared think that everyone else at Penn actually opted to somehow bribe their professors into moving their finals to before the weekend. Joke's on me, right?

Also, I think something that scares me even more than my bio final at this point is the arduous task of moving out. Obviously, I won't be able to lug stuff home (except in two suitcases), so I had to order a service that stores 6 boxes over the summer, filled with your belongings. I'm afraid it won't fit some of my stuff, so that stuff will have to be stored at the Ultimate house. Meh, whatever. In less than 92 hours I'll be boarding a flight for San Francisco. And then Eugene.