Thursday, January 17, 2008

First few days back!

Ugh. Awful. The weather outside is, of course. It's snowing! (Add that to my long list of moronic sayings) But it's stupid snow, the stuff that makes everything really wet but never sticks. Boo. I saw a weather report on TV the other day and it said Phila has only gotten 1.8 inches of snow so far this winter, which is definitely less than I saw at my house in Eugene. Apparently Boston has gotten 34.7 inches at the same time, which is wack.

But anyways, onto more important stuff! My first few days have been aight. Classes so far have been drab... my history class, biology class, and community-service-based seminar have been boring like no other. My statistics class was okay, mostly because my professor was a goof. He was probably in his early 30s or something, which is counter to my stereotypes of Penn/Ivy League professors - old and/or stoic. His appearance... hahaha. So you know in many depictions of Jesus He is shown to have long brown hair and an extensive beard? My stat teacher looked exactly like that, plus additional facial surface area/volume and glasses.

But my community-service seminar should be really rewarding. We are going to be volunteering at a local West Phila high school - academic and career support stuff. I'm super super excited.

Rush started yesterday, so a few of my friends and I went out to the various frats. Pretty much I ate a bunch of buffalo wings and sandwiches with no real intent to join the frats... meh.

Monday, January 14, 2008